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Premium members secure high priority rankings on relevant search results

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Start doing business globally today

SilverKey Membership
Unlimited Access to Buyers
Priority Rank in Listings: 3rd
15 Product Catalogue
Post 200 Sell Offers
Post 300 Buying Requests
200 Trust Points (Verified Supplier)
High Priority Listing
Silverkey Advance Membership
Unlimited Access to Buyers
Priority Rank in Listings: 2nd
15 Products Catalogue
Post 200 Sell Offers
Post 300 Buying Requests
200 Trust Points (Verified Supplier)
FREE Company Website

Membership Features

Enjoy effective online trade tools 365 days a year


Unlimited Access to Buyers

Get instant access to over 5 million global buyers from 240 countries which is updated daily.


Trusted Supplier Status

TradeKey Premium Membership makes you more preferable & credible to buyers which massively increase your chances of doing business with them.


Dedicated Relationship Manager

DRM provides full assistance to the member; he acts as a regional expert in creating business opportunities, aggressive marketing of your products, assessment and much more.


Increase Business Connectivity

As you get premium listing on search results on you instantly get 500 times more inquiries than a free member.

Our Testimonials

Our business activity has skyrocketed ever since we joined TradeKey

Ever since we joined, our business activity has skyrocketed. Not only have we made key connections that we could never have found on our own, but also many connections are foundationally solid, long lasting relationships that will produce real results for our business for many years to come. Without a doubt, is an important business partner and will remain a part of our long-term strategy to grow our business.


Founder and CEO of SMNW Group

Country: USA

Industry: Energy Products

I give credit to TradeKey for helping my company experience more than 50% growth in revenue

My name is Maged Radwan and I am the CEO of United Global Suppliers. Approximately two years ago United Global Suppliers Egypt engaged with TradeKey. My company was looking for importers and this is where helped my company by getting legitimate buying inquires from global importers through their B2B portal. I compared to other B2B sites and found them to be cost-effective. I think TradeKey has a good market for industrial goods suppliers, such as raw materials and etc.


Founder and CEO of United Global Suppliers Egypt

Country: Egypt

Industry: Minerals & Metallurgy

TradeKey has the best advertising and customer service as far as our experience is concerned

There are many B2B Portals that market their customer service to be good yet we receive poor customer support. TradeKey has the best advertising and customer service as far as our experience is concerned. They have paid attention to all our needs and they have helped us get buyers every day. Thanks to them we now get 8-10 business leads a day and we are pretty confident that TradeKey will help our business grow. Choosing TradeKey was the best decision we ever made.


Founder and CEO of Mak Trading

Country: Malaysia

Industry: Agriculture


Do you have any questions? We've got answers

Can I switch my membership later?

Absolutely. Our paid memberships come with annual subscription fee. You can switch between our memberships, we will adjust payments accordingly.

Do I get a Dedicated Relationship Manager with any premium membership?

No. This feature is only available in GoldKey membership, where you get full support from a devoted TradeKey professional for online trading.

How long does it take for my account to upgrade?

It takes 24-48 hours to upgrade from free membership to premium membership. Once you've made the payment you will be contacted by our staff to help you get started.

I have questions to ask before I purchase a Premium Membership Plan.

Simply fill out the form above and select a membership you're most likely to buy. Our experts will get in touch with you to help you choose a plan which suits your needs.


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